Monday, July 27, 2015

Never Underestimate some Paint and a little TLC


We've all heard the expression, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Some of us may have actually experienced this or some of us many not read into that expression. But when it comes to home decor, I think it's an expression that we should all live by.

A few weeks ago, Brian, my fiance, was taking out our garbage. When he went to drop it off, he noticed a couple of picture frames that had been tossed away. They weren't the prettiest looking but he thought they had cool features so he snatched them up and brought them home (original frame is the above image on the left). In the area where live, we often find pieces of furniture or home decor that people just throw away because they don't want to take the time to rehab them. (Personally I think they're crazy!)

When I saw the frames I immediately loved them. It was obvious they needed some TLC but the bones of the frames were good. Since our apartment heavily favors the gray and white scheme, I knew they would be perfect once they were cleaned up a bit. 

First I removed the glass from the frames and then I took a magic eraser to both of them. They both needed a good scrubbing between sitting in the garbage room and their appearance, they needed a little bath. Then we went to work on painting them. We chose a dark gray, which we often use to as our accent color or even our main color, instead of keeping the pink-ish orange color that was beginning to peel off. 

Painting the decorative piece took some time and patience but I think it paid off. The dark gray really accents the background of the frame and makes it pop. It also goes perfectly with our decor. The frame itself still has a slight rustic look, which I'm really into right now. 

I forgot to mention that the stickers were left on the frames and each frame was $30 a piece! I couldn't believe that someone would just throw them away instead of giving them a little TLC and making them their own. 

But one man's trash is another man's treasure.

This is something that more people need to think about when deciding to do home decor. It doesn't have to be expensive and it doesn't always mean buying all new stuff. It's quite easy to make old things new with just a little imagination and time. One should never underestimate what a little new paint and a little TLC can do for their furniture or their home decor. It's always nice to buy something new, but it can be just as nice to reinvent what you have and to do it with your own hands is even more rewarding. 

So don't be afraid of a little crafting time. It's therapeutic and good for the soul. And even better for your wallet. :)

Here are the frames up on the wall. I still have to find some pictures to put in them, but they look brand new!

What have "trash" have you turned into a treasure? Comment your with your master pieces below!

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